How has the Say Yes Cleveland scholarship impacted your ability to complete your college education? Along with a plethora of scholarships during my time at the illustrious Central State University, the Say Yes Cleveland scholarship helped me graduate and stay debt-free. I am a proud HBCU graduate!
What advice would you give to other Say Yes Cleveland scholars? Value your education! As a third-generation community college graduate and first-generation university graduate, I urge all Say Yes Cleveland students to always remember your “why,” be ultra-ambitious, and earn as many scholarships as possible to stay debt-free. That’s how you win. Represent our city at your institutions and everywhere you go. Whether you’re a student at a university, college, trade or vocational school, value your skills. Never stop learning new things. Learning is definitely a lifelong process. As a Gen Z girl, I learn new things on TikTok every day!
What was your major in college, and what were you passionate about learning? My major at Central State University was English (Pre-Law)! I was passionate about learning how to become a better writer. In my program, we analyzed different forms and genres of literature, developed our critical thinking skills through classroom discussions and assignments, and learned about the impact of intersectionality and social identities within literature. Being successful in law school and beyond requires stellar writing and critical thinking skills!
What are your plans for the future? I am currently finishing my first year as a master’s student at the University of Dayton, where I am studying Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA). I serve as the Graduate Assistant Career Advisor in UD Career Services, which gives me a full-tuition scholarship and free housing in return for working for UD. I plan on applying to law school this year, with my top choices being Cleveland State University College of Law and University of Cincinnati College of Law. I plan to start law school in Fall 2025. This summer, I will be virtually interning for Rutgers University-New Brunswick’s Center for Minority Serving Institutions and Cleveland State University’s Center for Campus Engagement (in-person). Professionally, I want to be a student affairs practitioner and/or General Counsel for an HBCU one day. I would like to join a Black Greek Letter sorority at the graduate level in the near future. I am interested in possibly earning a doctoral degree in Higher Education Administration or Educational Leadership later on in life.
Is there anyone or program who contributed to your success? I would first like to thank God and the Ancestors for always guiding me through my educational endeavors. Of course, my family has been a tremendous support throughout my educational and professional journeys. They are my biggest cheerleaders! I would also like to thank my (forever) HS principal and fellow Centralian Mrs. Tianna Ferguson for influencing my decisions surrounding High Tech Academy and attending my beloved CSU. Lastly, I would like to thank Say Yes Cleveland, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. for contributing to my success through scholarships and developmental support. I have plenty of mentors and supporters in AKA who have helped me throughout my journey in higher education and life (including Mrs. Ferguson). Thank you all!
Anything else you’d like to share? I am so blessed to be where I am in life. Being a 21-year-old Black woman with (almost) 3 degrees is no easy venture. It has truly taken a village for me to be successful in this thing called life. I am far from done with my education and I can’t wait to see all my hard work continue coming to fruition one day.
Oh yeah, HAY HOUSE FOR LIFE!! Go Hornets!